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Gss: it sec Vernam Ciphers?

Gss: it sec Vernam Ciphers? 2008-09-09 14:39
Folien satz 1 Seite 66 Was meint er mit Vernam Ciphers? Einfach nur das es Stromschiffren sind?
The WEP encryption algorithm RC4 is a Vernam Cipher ???

RE: Gss: it sec Vernam Ciphers? 2008-09-09 14:41
In modern terminology, a Vernam cipher is a stream cipher in which the plaintext is XORed with a random or pseudorandom stream of data the same length to generate the ciphertext. If the stream of data is truly random and used only once, this is the one-time pad. Substituting pseudorandom data generated by a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator is a common and effective construction for a stream cipher. RC4 is an example of a Vernam cipher that is widely used on the Internet.

RE: Gss: it sec Vernam Ciphers? 2008-09-09 15:01
jub Thanx[15]