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Spielend C lernen

Spielend C lernen 2005-12-04 12:47
Anonymer User
Gibt es das Spiel schon im c.t.?
(gefunden in http://jwz.livejournal.com/572429.html).


Re: Spielend C lernen 2005-12-04 13:55
aaaaaaaaah die verwenden goto [img]http://www.fb18.de/gfx/28.gif[/img]

Re: Spielend C lernen 2005-12-04 14:01
Klar, man muss den Kindern doch was vernünftiges beibringen.

Re: Spielend C lernen 2005-12-04 14:43
Aus dem dazugeposteten Forenthread:
Where's the danger? A game without danger is no fun at all. A race is all well and good, but what players really want is to avoid going to jail or to score the community chest or pwn the most valuabe properties. Introduce some security concepts. Get kids used to the idea of a buffer overrun (skiing off a cliff?), poor input validation (forged ski ticket?), and other things that can screw up their game. And then how to use those things to screw up the other players. At that point, forget the kids: I want to see computerphobic grandma chortle when she starts wailing on everyone else.

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