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I found some of your life

I found some of your life 2004-09-20 01:11
Irgendein Depp hat die Memory Card seiner Digitalkamera in NYC in ner Taxe liegenlassen. Jemand anderes hat sie gefunden und macht sich nun nen Spaß draus:


In my possession is one (1) memory card from a digital camera. This memory card was found in a taxi in New York City. I have no idea who the owner of the camera is.

The pictures on the memory card were taken over the course of exactly one (1) year in this person's life, starting July Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand and Three (07-25-03) and ending July Twenty-Fourth, Two Thousand and Four (07-24-04).

I am going to post one (1) picture here each day. As there are two hundred and twenty-seven (227) pictures, there will be two hundred and twenty-seven (227) posts. The pictures will appear in chronological order according to the timestamp accompanying each image.

As the images add up, I will attempt to assemble an identity for this unknown person. Each day's new picture will be a fresh addition to this photographic life-documentation. Only with the unveiling of the final picture (the two hundred and twenty-seventh (227th)) will we finally have a full understanding of this person's life over the past year - at least as far as these pictures will allow us to infer.

Further, in an attempt to present this pictorial information in a more personal manner, and also to better allow for some artistic license, I am going to pretend that I am the owner of the camera. I'll call me Jordan, because that's the name on my birthday cake (you'll see).


Lustig daran ist nichtmal unbedingt der Inhalt der Bilder, sondern das, was "Jordan" dazu schreibt und vorallem sein Talent, Unwichtigkeiten in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Und natürlich die Tatsache, daß da draußen irgendein Idiot ist und seiner Karte hinterher heult, während andere über die Fotos lachen.


Re: I found some of your life 2004-09-20 02:21
Sieht so aus als wär das Blog schon wieder dicht gemacht.

…Gut so.

Re: I found some of your life 2004-09-20 02:28
der hat aufgehört….


Das war toll…[img]http://www.fb18.de/gfx/19.gif[/img]

Re: I found some of your life 2004-09-20 12:30
