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Automatischer Tritt ins Gesäß

Automatischer Tritt ins Gesäß 2003-06-06 21:11

was es nicht alles gibt…. [img]http://www.fb18.de/gfx/9.gif[/img]

und hier die website dazu, mit bilern zur maschine

Re: Automatischer Tritt ins Gesäß 2003-06-06 21:28
With such a mechanism stationed in close promixity to the action area of the ass-kicker, and with replacement of the simple-but-durable wood and mild steel components with modern alloy and carbon-fiber materials, we calculated that this design could be stable and efficient at speeds of up to 4800 asses per minute, assuming a 4-kicker radial arm design, dynamically balanced. This would require a wheel speed of 1200 rpm, speed above which the noise from the airflow around the laces and sole would be intolerable for the operator.

At this throughput, it could be possible to kick the ass of everyone in the United States of America in 34 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes.
